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a+u 2024年6月号 特集: カナダ・マスティンバー建築の20年

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GLT(Glue Laminated Timber、集成材)やCLT(Cross Laminated Timber、直交集成板)などの大体積の木質集成材を称するマスティンバーは、地産材の利用、資源の循環、内包二酸化炭素量の低減など、現代の構築環境における多くの課題にかかわる素材である。



a+u / 160ページ / ソフトカバー / 292 x 218 mm / 2024


Feature:20 Years of Mass Timber Construction in Canada

a+u’s June features the past 2 decades of mass timber construction in Canada. Mass timber refers to construction that uses large-volume wood laminated timber, such as GLT (glue-laminated timber) and CLT (cross-laminated timber), materials that are relevant in issues facing contemporary building methods, such as the use of local timber, recycling of resources, and the reduction of carbon footprints. These pages showcase 19 projects by 6 architectural firms that illustrate the evolution and potential of mass timber in Canada. At the start of the 21st century, Canada adopted a Constructive Environmentalism approach for sustainable forest management, timber use, and climate change mitigation, and, over the past 2 decades, Canadian architects have demonstrated their ingenuity in service of environmental protection and sustainability. CLT has fundamentally changed design and construction practices, leading to a prefabricated kit-of-parts approach. Furthermore, careful use of timber resources is also deeply intertwined with Indigenous cultures and land rights. These multidisciplinary insights, including ecological, sociological, and advanced technologies, play an important role in reshaping the relationship between the built environment and the natural world – and the role of humans in ecosystems.

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